Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Law of Evolution

Sir Erasmus Darwin belonged to the Lunar Society. He was impressed by two Indian theories.

1) Theory of Metempsychosis or Rebirth
2) Theory of the Ten Incarnations

Evolution states that Life began from the sea and that our primordial ancestors were aquatic.

The Ten Incarnations Theory ( Dasa Avataras ) is allegorical and symbolic. Life came from the sea ( Matsya Avatara ) and the unicellular amoeba evolved and evolved, into plants, into apes and then into man. Man then becomes Enlightened ( The Buddha ) and this is the Goal of Life, Self Actualisation ( parama purushartha = moksha ) .

Regarding, Metempsychosis. Aurobindo averred "It is illogical to assume that Plato and the Hottentot and the fortunate child of the Rishies and the saints have to realise in this very birth their eternal future. " So for the Evolution of Consciousness, which is behind the Evolution of the Species, there have to be many lives.

The East India Company, via Sir Erasmsus Darwin, took these two theories to the Western world. Sir Eramsus Darwin evolved a new theory out of it - The Theory of Evolution.

Later on, his grandson, Charles Darwin, established this theory in the scientific world, as the Law of Evolution, in his Origin of the Species !

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Nature Philosophy and Sankhya

Wordsworth was a Nature Poet. Nature never did betray, said he, the heart that loved her.

Nature in her pellucid purity reminded him of Infinite Being.

With Bliss ineffable
I felt the sentiment of Being
Spread around,
Over all that liveth
And all that moveth still

He and Goerhe were Nature Philosophers. Nature Philosophy has her counterpart in Sankhya of Kapila.

Nature is the main cause, the efficient cause, averrs Sankhya. Pradhanam Prakrithim Prahuh.

Nature is the sole doer and Nature is Almighty. Nature is the outer garment of Spirit.

Aurobindo averred " Nature is veiled somnabulist Consciousness which contains within her all the latent powers of the Spirit. Behind every atom, behnd every molecule there lies hidden and works unknown all the omniscience of the Eternal and the omnipotence of the Infinite"

Nature is Saguna Brahman and it is He in manifestation