Friday, September 22, 2006

Pranic Therapy Part VII

Pranic Therapy Part VII

All that is power in the Universe , manifesting as force or attraction - is
but different manifestation of that Unitary power which the Vedists call
Prana. Using this Vital Energy to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This
article is a continuation of the earlier article Pranic Therapy Part VI.

A digression to other forms of Therapy - Gem Therapy & Medical Astrology

Gemstone Therapy

Each gemstone radiates a corresponding Cosmic Color which
are as follows;

Planet Cosmic Colour
Primary Gem Number

Sun Red
Ruby One
Moon Orange
Pearl Two
Jupiter Light Blue
Yellow Three

North Node Ultra Violet
Hessonite Four
Mercury Green
Emerald Five
Venus Indigo
Diamond Six

South Node Infra-Red
Cat's Eye Seven

Saturn Violet
Blue Eight


Mars Yellow
Coral Nine

More information about Planetary Gemology & a Gem Prescription Report can be
had from

The Human Electro-magnetic Field ( also known as the Auric Field )
has been proved by Kirlian Photography. The part of the body afflicted by
disease will be darkened and a gem therapist gives the much needed
cosmic color ( gemstone ) to redeem the area afflicted by disease.

For furthur information on Planetary Gem Therapy, please visit

Medical Astrology & Pranic Therapy

In the Ayurvedic Model, the planets are classified thus

Jupiter Kapha
Sun Pitta
Moon Vata & Kapha
Mars Pitta
Mercury Pitta, Vata & Kapha
Venus Vata & Kapha
Saturn Vata

The Seven planets correspond to Seven gross elements ( dhatus) thus

Jupiter Fat
Saturn Veins
Mars Bone Marrow
Sun Bones
Moon Blood
Mercury Skin
Venus Seminal Energy

Medical Astrology postulates that a weak planet can bestow disease.
If the sixth house is afflicted, digestive tract disorders are indicated
If the fourth house is afflicted, it clearly means affliction to the heart
( as the heart is the 4th house by correspondence).

Here are the correspondences between the 7 Deadly Sins & the Seven planets

Jupiter - Avarice
Venus - Lust
Mars - Anger
Saturn - Pride
Moon - Jealousy
Mercury - Sloth
Sun - Covetousness

Every man is born with a major flaw. By knowing which planet is afflicted,
the astrologer can discern the Deadly Sin the native is afficted with. If
Jupiter is weak, Avarice will be high in him. If Mars, anger and if Venus,
lust etc. To overcome that vice, intense prayer and meditation is required
and all vices can only be overcome by Grace Divine .

Medical Astrology's perspective about the 12 Houses of the Zodiac

Ist House Head
2nd House Face
Third House Throat
Fourth House Heart
Fifth House Place beneath the heart
Sixth House Stomach
Seventh House Generative Organ
Eighth House Upper Thigh
Ninth House Thigh
Tenth House Knee
Eleventh House Calf
Twelfth House Feet

Affliction to any house indicates affliction to the corresponding
part of the body. Rahu - or any other malefic - in the sixth is
indicative of stomach trouble & ulceration. Fourth house affliction
means that the heart is afflicted and first house affliction means that
the head is afflicted.

Medical Astrology can therefore point to disease and using the yogic
technique of Pranic Therapy, the disease can be healed.

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological
Analysis can be had from

Shift of Stand From Head to Heart

Scientific research have accepted "psycho-neuro-immunology - the
impact of mind on the immune system. "Cardiac-neuro-immunology"
is also accepted - ( the impact of heart on the immune system ). The
Both metaphorically and anatomically the centre of our action is the
heart. Our heart is 60 times stronger as an electrical generator
compared to the brain. The heart is the big brother & the brain is
the little brother. As all activities of the mind-body pivot around the
central powerhouse - our heart, we have two different existences,
head-centred & heart-centred. The new science of Cardio-neuro-
immunology postulates that Self-healing requires a cardiocentric
attention.We are judgemental if we live with our head-centred script
On the other hand, if we adopt a heart-centred way of living, we are
incapable of generating any enemy and Love Divine will cure us.

The Internal Healing Power of the body

The human body is remarkable in its own resilience or healing power.

The fiercely competitive world, the tension associated with job & business
and an achievement oriented culture keeps our stress arousal level
abnormally high. This releases chemicals ( toxins ) such as cortisol,
adrenalin & noradrenaline leading to suppression of the immune system
and weakening of the body's healing power. We have to get away from this
frenzy & vigilance for effectuating healing. This diversion from a stress
aroused state is called altered state. In order to heal better, we should be
able to enter into the altered state.

Altered State

An altered state is a state different form the normal awakened state.
We have three relative states of Consciousness - normal awakened state
( Jagrat ), dreaming state ( Swapna ) & Deep Sleep ( Sushupthi).
Scientifically REM ( rapid eye movement ) is the Dreaming State and
non-REM ( non-rapid eye movement ) is the Deep Sleep state. There
is a higher state which is called the meditative state. It is our common
intuitive experience & logic that restful sleep is conducive to healing.
The interface of entering into sleep is called hypnagogic state .Exiting
from sleep is called hypnapompic state. The twilight state has alpha
theta brain waves compared to beta waves during awakened state.
The meditative state is the same as the twilight state,except that we
enter it and exit from it by choice. The meditative state allows our mind
and body to talk to each other. ( Normal brain activity is marked by Beta
waves of 25 cycles per second where meditative state is characterised
by alpha waves of 8.5 cycles per second ).

In summary, our stressful life-style does not allow us to enter the altered
state of sleep, daydream & meditation, to heal by proper body-mind
communication and so we have to take refuge in Yoga to effectuate

Opening the System to Divine Shakti or the Cosmic Prana

Scientifically, behind the evolution of the species ( material evolution ),
there is an evolution of Consciousness ( spiritual evolution). Our life
has only a symbolic value in the sense that it is good and necessary
as a Becoming; and all Becoming has Being as its goal & fulfillment
and God is the only Being.

Those who find it difficult to follow these techniques can open themselves
to the source of Divine Power through intense prayer. In the Geetha,
the Lord promises that He takes care of the material welfare of the
devotee who depend on Him solely. He also gives the Solemn Assurance
- that by giving up in heart and soul to him, the devotee will overcome all
difficulties by Grace Divine. He also gives the Word of Refuge ( Abhaya
Vachana ) that His devotee shall never perish. By cultivating an attitude of
trust & absolute self-surrender, we can open ourselves to Cosmic Prana,
Absolute self-reliance has been defined as Reliance on the Absolute Self.
When such a divine attitude becomes deeply ingrained in our psyche,
we find that everything in Nature becoming favourable to us and the
process of healing takes place in our psychophysical system. Thousands
of people all over the world have found health, prosperity and peace
through yogic methods. Prayer overcomes the resistance of the ego &
opens the chambers of the unconscious to the inflow of Divine Shakti or
Cosmic Prana. For this, however, prayer must be done with intensity,
sincerity & perseverance. Only through this kind of prayer can we know
how Pranic Healing takes place. The Grace always grants the sincere
prayers !

Summing up, if we remove all mental & physical blocks and open our
channels to the Cosmic Prana, the Universal Stream of Consciousness
pervading the Universe, we can get ourselves healed. Since removing
all blocks is difficult humanly, it is better to request for Divine
Help. By means of the greatest Art that is Bhakthi Yoga, all blocks will
be removed by Grace Divine and the greatest doctor that Nature is will
heal us.

All glory to the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate! How strange is
Thy Grace !

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